Who We Are
The Naples Council on World Affairs (NCWA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, nonpartisan membership organization whose mission is to educate, inspire and engage our community in international affairs and critical global issues.
Established in 1980, NCWA has a membership of almost 1,800 in the Greater Naples Area and provides the community with a full range of international affairs educational programs and activities:
- A Distinguished Speakers Series of leading experts in international relations and diplomacy provides 10 lectures between November and April each season. Members can participate in person, via live streaming, or (after the lecture) via the archive library.
- January through March, Great Decisions discussion groups debate global challenges of the day in eight weekly sessions of 20 to 30 people per session. Great Decisions is the largest international affairs public education program in the world.
- An international affairs Book Club explores ideas from today’s authors, and a free daily nonpartisan newsletter, GlobalPost (formerly DailyChatter), covers the latest global happenings.
- A wide variety of summer study programs and local school activities, including a large Model UN competition in partnership with Florida Gulf Coast University, broaden student international affairs knowledge and prepare them for careers in the field.
- NCWA is a member of the World Affairs Councils of America, a national organization with 93 chapters in 40 states and 90,000+ members.
- You can find our official documents here: Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Incorporation, Bylaws